If you are starting from scratch or returning from a break we have the group for you! We start new groups every month so you can build your fitness from one month to the next with the goal of graduating to the next level!
Meeting locations vary each week and will be communicated by the coach.
COACH: Megan Wike
MEETS: Tuesdays at 6 PM and Saturdays at 7 AM
Day-by-day running schedule for goal races, dedicated and experienced coaches that send weekly communication, small-group coached workouts, supported Saturday long runs (see details below), and free virtual mobility, yoga, and strength classes pre-recorded along with a 24 week detailed strength program.
Runners are given written directions and a map of the route along with access to water & Gatorade about every 2-3 miles with cups. There is always a COD (Coach on Duty) who is available to assist with runners if they are lost, hurt, or if we are out of water on the course. The COD kicks off the start with announcements, route specific instructions, and stays at the training center until the final runner returns.
CONTACT: Carolyn@RogueRunning.com
If you are currently running 0-3 miles - join us to build your fitness! We start new groups every month with the goal of graduating to the next level!
Check out our podcast, Episode #114: Get Started, Running for Beginners with Rogue Coaches, Chris McClung & Marilyn Faulkner.
Our coaches are experienced & their passion is helping you to improve and succeed in reaching your goals. Our groups are supportive and encouraging teams that hold you accountable and motivate you each week. While training with Rogue, you will push your limits, form meaningful friendships, and believe there is magic in running!!
We at Rogue believe the word/phrase beginner, new/novice, or even Level 1 cover a wide spectrum of runners. Our goal is improvement from YOUR baseline – where you are starting on day 1. The best way to do this and meet each of your individual needs is to have multiple tiers of training to choose from.
Monthly recurring payment begins the day of registration. Wait to register until the start date above. Once you register you will be billed immediately. Your ongoing billing will occur the same day you registered each month moving forward. You can cancel at any time by logging into your account, click on your account on the bottom right-hand corner. Then, click on “view plan or cancel”. There is not an option to “pause” your membership.
COST: $95/month for Level 1.