Team Rogue has helped athletes believe there are no limits to what they can achieve. We are a supportive and highly focused group of runners who elevate each other in training and racing all year round.
(THIS CLASS IS CURRENTLY ON HIATUS. contact Mitch@roguerunning.com for other options)
Location: Dallas - North Haven Gardens parking lot (just up the street from JCC)
Coach: Greg Rankin
Group Meets: Tues & Thur at 5:00 AM for workouts and Sat at 5:30 AM for long runs at Run On! Dallas - Mockingbird.
Contact: mitch@roguerunning.com
– I have been a runner on and off since HS (graduated HS 1984) and attended SWT on a Cross Country Scholarship. I ran in the 90’s with Brooks not doing more the 10ks for the most part. I ran my first Marathon in 1983 as a Senior in HS and hated it because I did not know how to train for it. Tried again in 2004 at NY but hated it more because I had trained alone and not well. In 2011 I ran across some HS buddies who had started running again and were doing Dallas full that year. I lost 80 lbs and did the half at Dallas realizing I could do a full but needed to train properly so I started creating my own plan and qualified for Boston @ Cowtown. I then started helping friends qualify for Boston and have seen 7 people make it to Boston with a few ready to do so in the coming months. I have been coaching Team Rogue Dallas since May 2018 and got a couple of runners qualified last fall and am looking forward to building on that success as others see it and want to become a part of what we are doing.
Monthly recurring payment begins after a 5 day trial period. Your on-going billing will occur the same day you registered each month moving forward. You can cancel at any time by logging into your account, click on your account on the bottom right-hand corner. Then, click on “view plan or cancel”.
COST: $105 per month.
Team Rogue meets year round — sign up any time. Members meet three times per week and are expected to commit to a challenging, periodized training schedule under the direction of an experienced coach. Runners do not necessarily have to be "fast," but they must be focused, consistent, goal-oriented, and interested in 55+ miles per week. Minimum requirement: Runners should must be 45-55 miles per week consistently before joining.
Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday schedule for goal races, knowledgeable & experienced coach that send weekly communication, group coached workouts (Tues/Thur at 5 AM), supported Saturday long runs at 5:30 AM. The coach will work with athletes one-on-one to determine appropriate weekly mileage, goals, and training plan.
We support our Saturday long runs at Dallas Mockingbird with printed turn by turn directions, a vehicle cruising the course, and water/electrolyte stops. For all long runs the route and water plan will be communicated by the coach beforehand. During the hottest summer months, we have ice rags and popsicles at the last water stop!
Spring Races - Half & Full Marathon and 5K/10K Starts: January 2021
Goal Races: Rogue’s JFR K’s Race Series, Any March-Early June races such as Austin, Woodlands and Dallas.
Fall Races - Half & Full Marathon and 5K/10K
Starts: May 2021
Goal Races: Any October-Early November races such as Twin Cities, Chicago, MCM, and NYC
Winter Races - Half & Full Marathon and 5K/10K
Starts: July 2021
Goal Races: Any Late November - Mid-December races such as Philadephia, CIM, BCS, and Dallas
Austin/Houston - Half & Full Marathon and 5K/10K
Starts: Sept 2021
Goal Races: Any January-February races such as 3M Half, Houston, and Austin