Running one snowcone at a time…
“Is that a deer?” - Anita
Coach: Carolyn Mangold
LOCATION: North Austin (Anderson High School at Mesa and Cima Serena)
Group Meets: Wednesdays at 6:15 PM for workouts & Downtown Rogue for Saturday long runs: 5:30 AM up to 16 - 20 miles / 6:30 AM up to 10 miles
COST: $95/Month *See payment details below
I consider myself so lucky to get the opportunity to make a career change back in 2001. I had already been coaching for RunTex, but then moved into a full time position there. In August of 2004 we started Rogue. Since then I have run 30 + marathons, such as Austin, Chicago and Boston and triathlons from sprint distance to half ironmans. Now I look to run races that are scenic, fun or another level of accomplishment, such as running across Germany or my favorite race, the Tahoe Triple. This October will be my 8th Tahoe Triple. Ask me about it, and I’ll try to talk you into it! :-) .
I am so lucky with my Northside Runaways group in that not only are they fellow runners, but also such good friends!
I’m a big fan of setting intimidating goals, whether it be a new time goal, new race distance or back-to- back races. Then crossing the finish line, the sense of accomplishment is tremendous!
Whether you are looking to BQ, PR, or running your first race, there is a place for everyone! Runner range from parents, young professionals / student to seasoned runners.
The Northside Runaways started in 2010 as a 3 month beginner program. The runners continued training, wanting next to train for a half, then the next year to train for a full. And the group has continued to train for a variety of races ever since….
The name came about on a Saturday long run. 2 runners on the group, Saira and Chelsea, picked the name Rogue Runaways, but then revised it to Northside Runaways to reflect the location. They also invented the super-secret cheer!
*Monthly recurring payment begins the day of registration. Wait to register until the start date above. Once you register you will be billed immediately. Your on-going billing will occur the same day you registered each month moving forward. You can cancel at any time by logging into your account, click on your account on the bottom right-hand corner. Then, click on “view plan or cancel”. There is not an option to “pause” your membership.
COST: $95/month