“The only thing that is truly significant about today, or any other day, is who you become in the process. Each of us are building our own house…I hope you build wisely.”
-Akira Sensei, an excerpt from Chop Wood Carry Water by Josh Medcalf
Bae Building - Virtual Training
In keeping with the Rogue training philosophy, this program focuses on the most important aspect of an endurance athlete’s long term training strategy: base development.
We tackle three focus areas in this 16 week program: 1) building your running routine and volume, 2) building a strength training routine, 3) developing a broad skill set that will help unlock even more of your athletic potential!
Starts: Program in progress. Sign ups will open again in June 2021.
Price: $50/month until you cancel or change programs. You will be charged on the day you register, then the same date each month going forward.
Sign-up Window: Sign ups closed. Will reopen in June 2021. For more information, send us an email at chris@roguerunning.com.
We believe everyone will benefit from periodically incorporating base development in their training strategies. There is always opportunity to develop your skills and a base development cycle is a great environment to develop new skills. It’s just a matter of timing. If you have been taking a hiatus from running for any reason (injury, burnout, a desire to focus on other areas of your life), then a base development cycle is an ideal way to reestablish running in your life. If you have been training hard for multiple cycles with little downtime, then it may be a good time to consider a break. Take time off to work on other aspects of your running game, develop new skills, and give your body some time to rest and get stronger.
Training macrocycle. We will provide a flexible day-to-day training schedule for you to follow on this training journey including easy runs, workouts, long runs, and strength training.
Weekly training podcast. This podcast will be for members of this training program only. It will be in addition to our weekly Running Rogue podcast and include an overview of each training week + weekly workouts, training insights and tips for the week, and answers to questions from the group as they come.
You can listen to a sample episode from a similar program by clicking here.
Access to blood chemistry consultations tailored to endurance athletes (additional fee TBD). Western medicine focuses on the disease state at the expense of identifying and diagnosing minor health problems that can have significant consequences for endurance athletes such as Anemia, Vitamin D deficiencies, blood sugar disregulation, or gut health problems.
New training tools for optimal performance. In this context, we discuss important lifestyle elements and key technologies that support human longevity and athletic performance such as diet, sleep, recovery, and heart rate variability (HRV).
Running Rogue coaching platform. Members of the program will receive access to a private athlete club where they can access their training calendar, training resources, interact with coaches Jen Harney and Jason Brooks, ask questions in the forum, meet fellow members of the group, and share success stories or challenges along the journey.Note: To take full advantage of the group, we suggest that you already be running at least 10-15 miles per week.