Don't sit in traffic, run during the Rush Hour with a dedicated group of runners looking to have fun, work hard, and kick ass!

“As a new mom, I joined Rogue for the accountability. In exchange, I received a renewed sense of confidence, purpose and strength that has positively impacted every aspect of my life. This team figuratively, and quite literally, has brought fresh air to my lungs.” - Courtney Gessay


Coach: Megan Wike
Location: Cedar Park
Group Meets: Tuesdays at 6 PM for workouts & Saturdays for long runs
Cost: $85/Month *See payment details below



By the time I was 29, I'd almost dismissed my secret goal to run a marathon before age 30. Thanks to a dear friend who convinced me to train alongside her for the Austin Distance Challenge, I crossed the finish line of the Austin Marathon about a month before my 30th birthday. I've been passionate about running ever since and love helping others in their own journeys! I'm on a mission to complete a marathon in all 50 states and also enjoy pacing.


I've trained with Rogue since 2017, and while I'm new to coaching, I'm not new to teaching with 15+ years of experience in music education. I believe coaching is primarily about relationships. Someone can have all the knowledge in the world, but it will be useless without a meaningful way to share it.



This group started when Rogue Cedar Park was born. A group for everyone from beginners to advanced runners. It has gone through various name changes but it has always been a welcoming atmosphere to accommodate the varying running abilities, goals, and backgrounds.

*Monthly recurring payment begins the day of registration. Wait to register until the start date above. Once you register you will be billed immediately. Your ongoing billing will occur the same day you registered each month moving forward. You can cancel at any time by logging into your account, click on your account on the bottom right-hand corner. Then, click on “view plan or cancel”. There is not an option to “pause” your membership.
COST: $85/month