Emily Kozel
I coach: Beginner Half & Full Marathon & Virtual 1:1
Best advice for new Rogues: Don't discount the power of your team!
Carrie Dyer
I coach: Virtual 1:1
Best advice for new Rogues: Be consistent, trust your coach, and enjoy the community - it is the best!
Donnie O’Neal
I coach: Team Rogue in Cedar Park & Virtual 1:1
Best advice for new Rogues: Stay firmly connected to why you are training, reaffirm it regularly. Have faith that the work and time you’re investing will produce results. Avoid the temptation of comparing your journey to others, everyone follows their own path. Have fun!
Paul Rademacher
I coach: Rogue Rabbits in Austin on Tuesdays at 6 PM
Best advice for new Rogues: Be patient, be consistent, celebrate every win and enjoy the ride. You’re tougher than you think.
Cathy Casey
I coach: Team Rogue AM - Austin
Best advice for new Rogues: Listen to your body and don’t be afraid of rest.
Ruth England
I coach: She Squad Virtual Women’s Half Marathon Training
Coaching Location: Virtual
Background: I started running in college to help my room mate with her long runs on Sunday, in return for free breakfast? After I moved to Austin I joined the Austin Runners
Brent Stein
I coach: Killer B's and Virtual 1:1
Best advice for new Rogues: Figure out why you love running and don't ever forget that.
Brittany Truitt
I coach: Team Rogue PM
Best advice for new Rogues: Trust your coach, trust your training, and trust that you will be able to achieve your goals.
Katie Graff
I coach: Virtual 1:1
Having the opportunity to be part of someone’s journey while they pursue their passions, seek self growth, explore their limitations, and tackle their fears, fills me with joy and gratitude.
Jennifer Harney
I coach: Virtual 1:1
Best advice for new Rogues: Have patience...don't rush the process.
Amy Baker
I Coach: Virtual 1:1
Running is the vehicle on our journey to becoming our best self. Speed doesn’t matter as long as you are moving forward.
James Dodds
I coach: Evening Edition
Best advice for new Rogues: Always show up. Don't qualify your runs as good or bad...just do them.
Jessica Head
I coach: Virtual 1:1
Running has been a great opportunity for me to make new friends, stay in shape, and hopefully inspire my young daughter to chase her dreams.
Chris McClung
I coach: The Morning Show on Wednesdays @ 5:30 AM
Best advice for new Rogues: Take the first step and then commit to listening to your coach. They will not give you something you can't handle.